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IDA Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD

The International Dyslexia Association has excellent downloadable resource sheets on their website. – I often refer to them.Here is a great one on ADD and ADHD. ADD – stands for Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD – is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) and Dyslexia   AD/HD and dyslexia are distinct conditions that frequently overlap,… Read More »

Reading and Spelling with Prefixes and Suffixes

Children need to be encouraged to use their knowledge of word parts, specifically prefixes, suffixes to pull an unknown word apart and determine its meaning.And just as you don’t try to teach your child every unfamiliar word in a story, it is helpful to focus on learning only the most important of the hundreds of… Read More »

Why Multisensory Teaching Methods Favour All Children And Especially Those With Dyslexia

Schools and teachers that embrace multisensory teaching methods benefit the preferred learning style of every student. More importantly though, they are providing pathways for children with specific learning disabilities to learn and access age appropriate curriculums and then demonstrate what they know. A teacher is using multisensory teaching methods when students can see, hear, smell,… Read More »

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Using colour, symbols, action and fun in 10 short minutes a day?

Presented by Liz Dunoon