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About Dyslexia – What Causes Dyslexia?

This article was provided courtesy of Prof. John Stein and the Dyslexia Research Trust  About Dyslexia What causes Dyslexia? There is no single ’cause’ of developmental dyslexia. The way in which dyslexia affects people differs from individual to individual, as do the reasons for the specific difficulties experienced. Children learn language and literacy skills best when… Read More »

Can You Develop Dyslexia During Your Lifetime?

Can you develop dyslexia is a question many people have? In short ‘NO’ you can’t! You either have it or you don’t! There are two main types of dyslexia that can affect an individual’s literacy skills. ‘Trauma dyslexia’ also known as ‘acquired dyslexia’ usually occurs after some form of brain trauma or injury to the… Read More »

The Australian NDCO Program

NDCO’s are National Disability Coordination Officers who can be found across Australia. They are a national network of officers covering 31 regions across the country. The National Disability Coordinator Officer Program assists people with a disability (that includes dyslexia) to access post-school education and training, and then subsequent employment. Google them and you will find… Read More »

Speed Training Exercises For Children With Dyslexia

“Scientific research continues to support the theory that brain neurons that repeatedly fire together, wire together helping to make learning permanent.” Speed training can also be referred to as ‘brain training’ or ‘fluency training’. The premise is the same. Many literacy experts believe that the development of fluency skills is critical to train the dyslexic… Read More »

Helping Teachers To Understand Students With Learning Disabilities

Dyslexia and School Getting to know a student with a learning disability A teacher is often told they have child with a learning disability in their class, but not what this means in any detail for the child or for the teacher. It is important that teachers have a complete picture of every student they… Read More »

The Alphabet Sound Song

I have written The Alphabet Sound Song to help teach people the sounds of the English alphabet. The song has 5 choruses and 4 verses. Research shows that if you provide learners with repetition, and make the learning fun and rewarding, the repetition helps them to remember what they learn. To add to this if… Read More »

Recommended Books For Parents Of Dyslexic Children

Reading is a great way to build our knowledge in order to help others and we are pleased to be able to promote these books. I recommend that you always try to borrow the book you are seeking from the library before you make a purchase. Some books become invaluable and then you can buy… Read More »

Multisensory Teaching Touch Type Read Spell

If you live overseas in the UK you may already have heard about a multisensory program called ‘Touch Type Read Spell (TTRS)’. I purchased a home user licence for my children for TTRS here in Australia and we used it nearly every day for months at a time as my children worked their way through… Read More »

What is the Irlen Method?

The Irlen Method has been used for over 25 years to identify and help people with a type of processing problem called Irlen Syndrome, formerly known as Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS). Irlen Syndrome is not an optical problem. It is a problem with the brain’s ability to process visual information. This problem tends to run… Read More »

Dyspraxia – What is it?

Dyspraxia is often seen and referred to as generally clumsiness or poor balance. Simply described – it is the inability to perform learned movements accurately. Dr. Robin Pauc of The Carrick Institute, Cape Canaveral, USA is an expert on dyspraxia and many other learning disabilities. She provides a comprehensive explanation of dyspraxia in her book… Read More »

About Dyslexia – What are the Signs And Symptoms of Dyslexia?

This article was provided courtesy of Prof. John Stein and the Dyslexia Research Trust About Dyslexia What are the symptoms of Dyslexia? Difficulty learning to read despite normal intelligence, adequate teaching, and parental support. Family history of similar problems. Commoner in males. Childhood ‘milestones'(crawling, walking, speaking, throwing) are often delayed. Slow to learn to speak;… Read More »

Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia


DYSCALCULIA – Explained simply Every once in a while a really great brochure comes along that is easy to read and is really useful for parents and teachers. This is one of those. I was given a copy of this brochure by a colleague Ann Williams who is studying dyscalculia for her masters degree. Thanks… Read More »

Autism and Aspergers Explained

Asperger’s Syndrome Provided with the assistance of The University of Newcastle, NSW Australia – You will find more great information sheets on their website. Overview Asperger’s Syndrome or (Asperger’s Disorder) is a neurobiological disorder where there is normal intelligence and language development, but also where there are autistic-like behaviours and marked deficiencies in social and… Read More »

Auditory Processing Explained

Auditory Processing Difficulties Listening Difficulties How Our Brain Processes What We Hear What Is Auditory Processing Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) (CAPD) represents an inability to attend, discriminate, recognise, understand or analyse auditory information. This can adversely impact on a person’s ability to listen, comprehend and learn – Specifically in the area of learning to… Read More »

All rights reserved © Transformation Trust. Dyslexia support including: what is dyslexia, dyslexia test, dyslexia symptoms, reading and spelling
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