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Teaching Tips – The Classroom Novel

Tips For Teachers 1 One Small Step At A Time – The Class Novel Posted By Liz Dunoon Students with dyslexia often have difficulty holding more than one or two points, ideas or facts in their head at the one time and retaining the information. For this reason it is a good idea to break… Read More »

What To Do If I Suspect My Child Has Dyslexia

Dealing with our emotions when we realise our child might be struggling for legitimate reasons This is time of great uncertainty and also confusion. Please understand that many parents have been in this position before you. Regardless of this fact, you may be feeling many different strong emotions; overwhelmed, concerned, guilty, angry, desperate, defensive, protective,… Read More »

17 Tips To Create A Dyslexia Friendly Classroom

Depending on whether you share classrooms with other teachers or have your own for the school year, here are 17 strategies you can apply to make your classroom more dyslexia friendly for your students. 1.  Have the student sit close to you can see when they need help and offer support when it is required.… Read More »

Is My Child Dyslexic?

Individuals with dyslexia have trouble with reading, writing, spelling and/or math even though they have the ability and have had opportunities to learn. Individuals with dyslexia can learn, but they often need specialized instruction to overcome the problem. Often these individuals, who have talented and productive minds, are said to have a language learning difference.… Read More »

What is dyslexia?

What is dyslexia? What is dyslexia? – Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability. Dyslexia refers to a cluster of symptoms, which result in people having difficulties with specific language skills, particularly reading. Students with dyslexia usually experience difficulties with other language skills such as spelling, writing, and pronouncing words. Dyslexia affects individuals throughout their lives;… Read More »

What are Remediations, Modifications and Accommodations?

A Remediation A remediation refers directly to a learning program, a method of teaching or a teaching style that caters specifically to a dyslexic child’s identified areas of weakness. This means the child may leave class to have access to a learning support teacher and a program that is intensive, direct, multisensory and systematic. Such… Read More »

Who Is Qualified To Test Your Child For Dyslexia

Why you need to know if your child has a learning disability or not It seems to be a general worldwide trend that there is a reluctance to label children with a specific learning disability and most parents will have their own view on this. The outcome of this reluctance to label is this, without some… Read More »

A Plan Of Action For Your Child With Dyslexia

Assisting your child or student is much easier when you know the steps to take. Here is a list to help you to get started. 1. Start observing your child and making notes about their strengths and weaknesses. 2. Start collecting samples of your child’s schoolwork and items that demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses. 3.… Read More »

Dyslexia Daily Poem By Liz Dunoon

My Child With Dyslexia is Lying

A Question From A Parent My Dyslexic Child Has Started Lying Question Our young son has been diagnosed with ‘Dyslexia’ and is struggling at school. The hardest thing we are having trouble with is his constant ‘getting in trouble’ at school for bad behaviour and lying constantly. Is this also part of the dyslexic behaviour?… Read More »

Dyslexia Treatment – What Is The Range Of Treatments On Offer?

This article was provided courtesy of Prof. John Stein and the Dyslexia Research Trust Can Dyslexia Be Cured? It makes no sense to talk of ‘cure’ when dyslexia is not a disease. Dyslexics simply have different brains that find reading difficult, just as some of us find piano playing difficult. However our society places such… Read More »

Dyslexia Testing – How To Get An Accurate Dyslexia Diagnosis

The dyslexia assessment – What is included? Having a formal diagnosis of your child’s learning disability is a must if you want to ensure your child has access to all the educational considerations that are available to them. As parents this is an important part of ensuring your child is provided with the best possible… Read More »

The Psychology Of Struggling At School

Physical Abuse and Dyslexia One third of adults with dyslexia report they were physically abused during their childhood A recent news and media article from Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Adults who have dyslexia are much more likely to report they were physically abused before they turned 18 than their peers without dyslexia, according to a new… Read More »

Does Dyslexia Exist?

Well to truly understand what dyslexia is, it’s best to start with the ongoing research of an expert…..Sally Shaywitz MD Who is Sally Shaywitz and what does her work on brain imaging show us? Sally Shaywitz MD, is a world-renowned leading expert on the study of dyslexia. She is a neuroscientist, and a professor of… Read More »

What Are The Symptoms of Dyslexia

This article was provided courtesy of Prof. John Stein and the Dyslexia Research Trust About Dyslexia What are the symptoms of Dyslexia? Difficulty learning to read despite normal intelligence, adequate teaching, and parental support. Family history of similar problems. Commoner in males. Childhood ‘milestones'(crawling, walking, speaking, throwing) are often delayed. Slow to learn to speak;… Read More »

All rights reserved © Transformation Trust. Dyslexia support including: what is dyslexia, dyslexia test, dyslexia symptoms, reading and spelling
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These free dyslexia posters provide knowledge, understanding, inspiration and direction for children and adults with dyslexia. Created by Liz Dunoon, Editor of Dyslexia Daily.

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Presented by Liz Dunoon