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Archive for the ‘Multisensory Teaching’ Category

Are You A Visual Learner?

If so you may use words and phrases like See Look View Appear Show me Appraise I saw that I can visualize that It just dawned on me Reveal the answer I can envision that I can see that happening Illuminate Let me draw a picture of that I’ll take a photo with my camera… Read More »

Multisensory Structured Language Teaching

What is meant by multisensory teaching? Multisensory teaching is one important aspect of instruction for dyslexic students that is used by clinically trained teachers. Effective instruction for students with dyslexia is also explicit, direct, cumulative, intensive, and focused on the structure of language. Multisensory learning involves the use of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile pathways simultaneously… Read More »

Multisensory Teaching Touch Type Read Spell

If you live overseas in the UK you may already have heard about a multisensory program called ‘Touch Type Read Spell (TTRS)’. I purchased a home user licence for my children for TTRS here in Australia and we used it nearly every day for months at a time as my children worked their way through… Read More »

Why Multisensory Teaching Methods Favour All Children And Especially Those With Dyslexia

Schools and teachers that embrace multisensory teaching methods benefit the preferred learning style of every student. More importantly though, they are providing pathways for children with specific learning disabilities to learn and access age appropriate curriculums and then demonstrate what they know. A teacher is using multisensory teaching methods when students can see, hear, smell,… Read More »

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BRAND NEW WAY to help your child

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Using colour, symbols, action and fun in 10 short minutes a day?

Presented by Liz Dunoon