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Dyslexia FAQ

Dyslexia – Frequently Asked Questions What Does Dyslexia Mean? “Dyslexia” literally means ‘difficulty with words’ (from the Greek dys = difficulty and lexis = language/ word). In some countries like Australia, dyslexia is frequently referred to as a ‘specific learning difficulty’ (SLD) which mainly affects the development of literacy and language related skills. How do… Read More »

My Child With Dyslexia is Lying

A Question From A Parent My Dyslexic Child Has Started Lying Question Our young son has been diagnosed with ‘Dyslexia’ and is struggling at school. The hardest thing we are having trouble with is his constant ‘getting in trouble’ at school for bad behaviour and lying constantly. Is this also part of the dyslexic behaviour?… Read More »

All rights reserved © Transformation Trust. Dyslexia support including: what is dyslexia, dyslexia test, dyslexia symptoms, reading and spelling
Before you go, get your Free Dyslexia Posters.

These free dyslexia posters provide knowledge, understanding, inspiration and direction for children and adults with dyslexia. Created by Liz Dunoon, Editor of Dyslexia Daily.

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