Does Dyslexia Exist?

Well to truly understand what dyslexia is, it’s best to start with the ongoing research of an expert…..Sally Shaywitz MD Who is Sally Shaywitz and what does her work on brain imaging show us? Sally Shaywitz MD, is a world-renowned leading expert on the study of dyslexia. She is a...
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About Dyslexia

This article was provided courtesy of Prof. John Stein and the Dyslexia Research Trust Do I have Dyslexia? About Dyslexia What are the symptoms of Dyslexia? Difficulty learning to read despite normal intelligence, adequate teaching, and parental support. Family history of similar problems. Commoner in males. Childhood ‘milestones’ (crawling, walking,...
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What causes Dyslexia?

This article was provided courtesy of Prof. John Stein and the Dyslexia Research Trust  About Dyslexia What causes Dyslexia? There is no single ’cause’ of developmental dyslexia. The way in which dyslexia affects people differs from individual to individual, as do the reasons for the specific difficulties experienced. Children learn language...
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Can You Develop Dyslexia?

Can you develop dyslexia is a question many people have? In short ‘NO’ you can’t! You either have it or you don’t! There are two main types of dyslexia that can affect an individual’s literacy skills. ‘Trauma dyslexia’ also known as ‘acquired dyslexia’ usually occurs after some form of brain...
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What Are Speed Training Exercises?

“Scientific research continues to support the theory that brain neurons that repeatedly fire together, wire together helping to make learning permanent.” Speed training can also be referred to as ‘brain training’ or ‘fluency training’. The premise is the same. Many literacy experts believe that the development of fluency skills is...
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I have written The Alphabet Sound Song to help teach people the sounds of the English alphabet. The song has 5 choruses and 4 verses. Research shows that if you provide learners with repetition, and make the learning fun and rewarding, the repetition helps them to remember what they learn....
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The Irlen Method has been used for over 25 years to identify and help people with a type of processing problem called Irlen Syndrome, formerly known as Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS). Irlen Syndrome is not an optical problem. It is a problem with the brain’s ability to process visual information....
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