‘Like A Dyslexic’, by 12 Year Old Isley. A Video Worth Sharing

Even Richard Branson loves 12 year old Isley’s Youtube video.

Every once in a while something comes across my desk that I just have to share.


Image from Isley

Even Richard Branson has been won over by this amazing 12 year old Australian girl Isley and the inspiring Youtube video she has created all about being dyslexic.

You can watch it here


  1. Avatar Susan Galletly   •  

    Thanks so much for alerting us to Isley’s wonderful video: what a wonderful video to share with kids and the world. So many kids with severe reading difficulties are highly intelligent, which is partly why their frustrations at school can be so immense.
    The best book I’ve read on this area is ‘The Dyslexic Advantage’ by Eide & Eide: it doesn’t focus on reading difficulties at all, just on the many areas of giftedness which Dyslexics have, just like the stars in this video.
    Dyslexia is ‘a gap between how bright I am and how well I read and write, always accompanied by phonological-lexical information processing (thinking on the sounds of words, trouble getting automatic at skills, forgetting learned verbal info, e.g., words learned for reading and writing, maths facts, etc), sometimes accompanied by weakness in other areas, e.g., visual discrimination weakness (reversed letters and words, etc) and so often accompanied by strong visual-spatial and other wonderful strengths,
    Hurrah for the Dyslexics of the world – the world needs YOU! – and hurrah for this wonderful video packed full of wonderfully successful dyslexics who achieved their dreams through dreams, persistence and one heck of a lot of hard work!
    Susan G

    • Avatar Theresa galea fearn   •  

      Thank you for your insightful comments

  2. Avatar Cassie   •  

    Thank you Liz for bringing this to our attention! Wow Isley! You are amazing!! Thank you for making this video. I am dyslexic too & so is my 13year old son. Your video has given him a reason to not give up as he was getting very frustrated & discourage with school. Love it!! I will be sharing this with everyone I know. Keep striving!!!

  3. Avatar Cheryl Dowton   •  

    i loved the video I am dyslexic I struggle with math spelling and reading and im in grad 6

  4. Avatar Cheryl White   •  

    A great video that will provide an inspirational conclusion to our first parent awareness evening this week as we start our journey to be a school that supports students who struggle with print due to their dyslexic learning style.

  5. Avatar Maxine Turner   •  

    My son did not realise there were so many people out there with dyslexia. He feels very proud to be part of the famous now along with all the other kids and adults.
    You are all famous. You all have many skills that others do not recognise. These skills will take you far, so never, never give up.

  6. Avatar sandhya irwin   •  

    FA very special gift.Thank youasinating.

  7. Avatar Lee todd   •  

    What a fantastic video, when I was at school I struggled with a lot of my work but I tried to overcome this by having new ideas and enjoying what I was doing, moving through the years School starts becoming harder and harder I was not diagnosed with dyslexia until I was 19 years old I try to stay on at six form because my exams were not that great unfortunately they said I would not be able to cope with this so I went straight into work started selling Ice cream and fish and chips,when I was 18 I was offered a job in a hospital as a domestic which I enjoy very much meeting people and talking because one of my skills is communicating at the end of that year I was offered a job as a support worker working with the elderly when I was 19 I move to Chester where I became a support worker working with adults with learning disabilities and today I’m a director of a company working in supported living with adults with learning disabilities
    Has I always say life is planned for us all with the right technology coming out we can overcome our dyslexia and again well done for the video let’s get out there and show people with dyslexia we can do it.
    Many thanks
    Lee x
    ( this has been typed by me talking into my phone )

    • Avatar Deb Batham   •  

      That’s fab lee. Well done. I have an 11 year old boy who is dyslexic and we’ve just started to use the talk to text feature on his mobile phone and forward his text by email to copy into word. I think his school homework will become a lot less tedious from now on.

    • Avatar Theresa galea fearn   •  

      Thank you for sharing

    • Dyslexia Daily Dyslexia Daily   •  

      You are truly remarkable. Thank you for sharing this, Lee.

  8. Avatar Deb Batham   •  

    A very inspirational video. Just about to show my 11 year old son.

    • Dyslexia Daily Dyslexia Daily   •  

      Thanks Deb. We love this video. I hope your son finds inspiration with it too.

  9. Avatar Theresa galea fearn   •  

    Thank you for being so brave and talented to create such a brilliant video – my daughter is 10 and struggled greatly with a conventional school day especially during NAPLAN years!!!! NAPLAN just seems to make children feel sick to their stomach to go to school …….. this video put a smile on her face and talking about learning difficulties and dyslexia rarely does that!!!! Thank you thank you thank you

    • Dyslexia Daily Dyslexia Daily   •  

      I’m glad we made her smile. School can be a real struggle sometimes.

  10. Avatar Charimar   •  

    This is very inspiring video, i must support my child in any means so that his talent will develop and make it happen. His smile makes my day complete and I’m so proud of him in his little achievements.

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