Let me start by telling you what ‘neurotypical’ is first. Well it’s an adjective to start with… so it’s a describing word. This is from my MAC computer’s dictionary: The meaning of Neurotypical is… Not displayed or characterised by autistic or other neurologically atypical patterns of thought or behaviour. Along...
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This topic seemed to spark a great deal of interest amongst our audience. It appears that you don’t have to look far to find someone who is Mixed-handed or has Cross Domination. We wanted to know which of your eyes was dominant. I wonder if the results will surprise you?...
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Most of us know someone who can use both hands to perform a task, like writing, playing an instrument or a sport. These people seem to have an amazing ability to do these tasks equally well with both hands. This is known as being ambidextrous and is quite rare. Imagine...
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Teaching is changing, with teachers using more technology and varying teaching styles to reach an ever-changing technologically advanced generation of learners. Ongoing research tells us we don’t all learn the same way. “Researchers have discovered there are 7 – 8 different learning styles and our education system can no longer...
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□ Was it Primary, Elementary or Junior School? □ Was it Secondary or Senior School? □ Was it your TAFE, College or University? □ It was none of these. I was homeschooled. □ It was none of these. I couldn’t wait to leave and get a job? Some people describe...
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When I ask students and people about their favourite subject at school and why, it is usually the teacher that is the reason. “A great teacher can make even the most difficult subjects enjoyable, especially if they are fun and use innovative ways of teaching.” During my school years, I...
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If you truly want to understand how the English language works… … spend some time with a linguist(you say it “lingwist”). A linguist studies ‘Linguistics’. Yes, I know it all sounds rather confusing but bear with me for a little longer. Linguistics is the scientific study of language and its...
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One of my closest friends at teachers college was Liz P. We are still close friends to this day. A few years back she revealed to me for the first time that she had found learning at school really difficult. I was shocked. She went on to tell me how...
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Yesterday I gave you 19 instructions for your teacher. Today I want to know who is/was your favourite teacher and why? You see not all teachers are created equal. Some are just better at teaching kids who learn differently. Everyone has a favourite teacher. Mine was Mrs Grabowski. She was...
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They develop an excellent auditory memory and remember everything they hear. They have an excellent visual memory for whole words meaning they never need to decode to read and can visualise images and diagrams used in class. They ask other students to help them and explain things to them. They...
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